164 of us have added our profiles to the Alumni Directory, so far.

Combined, we have 331 children, 375 grandchildren and 9 great-grandchildren.

26 of us served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

120 of us spent a combined total of 403 years earning 16 Associates, 73 Bachelors, 34 Masters and 11 Doctorate degrees.

Our most-traveled? One of us has visited 52 U.S. States or Territories and has also visited 79 foreign countries.

13 of us have birthdays this month, and 10 of us have birthdays in April.

Currently, 95 of us are retired.


Top Songs: 1968-1969

In Memory of Michael "Dino" Dunn

Class of 1969
Hampton High School

Posted By: Lawrence "Larry" Cooper, III |
Date: January 28, 2025 |
Yes, Dino was a great basketball player and a wonderful person,he will be miss , we keep going there’s going to be a great team in Heaven playing together, so sorry to hear this,a great guy, ??,former teammate,Larry C. |

< SIGN IN HERE > to add a tribute to Dino.

Please Help!
If you have an old high school photo or a more recent photo of Dino
that we could include here, please click the "Contact Us" link
on the left side of the page and send it to us by e-mail.
Thank you!

•• ALUMNI ••
Jimmy Antinori |
Dr. Wesley Brooks |
Caryn Brown Hull |
Thomas Bruce |
Lynne Burnett Jenkins |
Lawrence Butler, Jr |
Rosie Davis Greene |
Chester L. Fisher, Jr |
Elizabeth Harris Welch |
Rita Harvey Furr |
Richard Honaker |
Linda Houser Staton |
Gayle Linkous Dillon |
Thomas Paisley |
Deborah Paschall Hawkins |
Richard Phaneuf |
Wanda Pilkey Rammell |
Anthony Rosso |
Mary Searls |
Robin Stortz |
Darlene Thiele Mundy |
Ralph Westphal, Jr |
Ralph Wood |

sign in to see dates

Willie Adams |
David Alexander |
Jimmy Antinori |
John Bivins |
Ronald Brogden |
Thomas Bruce |
Edwin Elmore, III |
Michael Fazzi |
James Feller |
Charles Ferris, III |
Malcolm Garris |
James Harrup |
Tony Haynes |
Linda Houser Staton |
David Hull |
David James |
Joseph Landrum |
Mst. Sgt Ronald Miott |
Dennis Mull N/A |
Richard Phaneuf |
Lawrence Reed |
William Rogers, Jr |
Anthony Rosso |
Adrienne Simmons George |
Ronald Weber |
Ralph Westphal, Jr |
Reginald C. Williams |

sign in for details


Classmates in the U.S.
Alabama |
5 |
Alaska |
1 |
Arizona |
4 |
Arkansas |
1 |
California |
7 |
Colorado |
3 |
Connecticut |
1 |
Delaware |
4 |
District of Columbia |
2 |
Florida |
22 |
Georgia |
7 |
Illinois |
4 |
Louisiana |
1 |
Maine |
1 |
Maryland |
10 |
Massachusetts |
3 |
Michigan |
1 |
New Hampshire |
1 |
New Jersey |
3 |
New Mexico |
1 |
New York |
2 |
North Carolina |
34 |
Ohio |
4 |
Oklahoma |
2 |
Oregon |
2 |
Pennsylvania |
8 |
South Carolina |
7 |
Tennessee |
9 |
Texas |
13 |
Virginia |
367 |
Washington |
3 |
Wisconsin |
1 |

Classmates Abroad:
Ireland |
1 |
Spain |
1 |
United Kingdom |
1 |

Totals include confirmed and unconfirmed addresses as input by the reunion committee.